Parenting Courses

So here’s the thing about parenting, even though it is arguably among the most important jobs with incredibly high stakes outcomes, no one tells us exactly how to do it. We are left to “feel” our way through it. What’s worse is that parenting is often counter-intuitive — what you think you should do might not be the best move and visa versa. Many parents question whether they are making parenting decisions that will best serve their child.

This is where we come in. We know that you want the very best for your child, and we can help you get there. Our online courses will provide you with essential information, strategies, and techniques to take you from flying by the seat of your pants to being responsive and intentional in your parenting practices.

Leave the squabbling behind. Enroll now.

Dream it.

Imagine, for a moment… A low stress morning with kids dressing themselves and serving up their own breakfast; homework help that is accepted, not rejected; and bedtimes devoid of tantrums and high emotions. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. Anyone willing to devote some time can enhance their parenting. Even a small change here and there can add up to tremendous benefits for your child. Invest the time — your child is worth it.

intentional parentting, bannish bedtime battles

Do it.

The courses are presented in modules designed to be engaged in at convenient times of the day and from wherever you can bring your computer. You say you’ve only got 30 minutes? No worries. The courses are self-paced. You can devote as much time as you wish in any given online session, and your place in the course is auto-saved. The courses provide practical research-informed strategies to handle a variety of child emotional and behavioral concerns. It’s information that you can apply immediately. We’ve loaded the courses with strategies, tools, and techniques; handouts and worksheets for you and your child; as well as videos and other engaging and interactive content.

words that matter, your words matter

Become it.

It all begins with you. The best news about child behavior is that so much of child behavior change doesn’t actually require the child to want to change. Parents have a tremendous ability to influence and shape their child’s behavior. Parenting is hard work, but we’re here to help. We’ve got your back. Become a high performance parent.

Hey, would you help us out? We are interested in knowing what parenting content you want to learn. Please use the check boxes below to cast your vote for upcoming online parenting courses. Then, place your ideas in the text area below and press “Submit.”