Parenting Consultation

Enhance your parenting and help your child reach their full potential.

Who do you turn to when parenting gets tough?

The experts of course! You seek expert assistance for all kinds of jobs that you want done right. Why should parenting be any different? Parenting is one of the hardest jobs and you want an expert on your team.

If you are parenting an anxious child, we can help to ensure that they are ready for the road ahead. Give them the skills and preparation they need to navigate the world with competence and confidence.

Schedule a virtual appointment with us.

Let us help you reach your parenting goals. Become a high performance parent.

Consultation is available only to clients located in Connecticut and Rhode Island during time of service.

Not ready to commit?

Find out if parenting consultation is right for you.

  • Does your child shy away from new situations?

    Some children have a difficult time navigating new or unfamiliar situations. Since we can’t predict or control what life brings our way, an ability to be adaptable is a must. Parenting consultation can help you prepare your child for the road of life.

  • Is your child too dependent upon you?

    A parent’s natural inclination is to do for their child. However, it’s difficult to find the line between doing too much and doing just enough to support your child. Parenting consultation can help you to find the balance.

  • Does your child worry about anything and everything?

    Help your child keep their worried thoughts in check. Parenting consultation will make you expert in coaching your child to think in ways that are rational, helpful, and rooted in fact, not fiction.

Give your child their best start.

You might think that changing child behavior requires individual meetings with your child. In fact, child behavior change can occur by changing the way that parents respond to their child. This is great news because we aren’t dependent upon the child’s willingness or motivation to change. Parenting consultation can help you to tweak your parenting to produce the behaviors you want to see in your child.

Be the parent you were meant to be.

The consultation process is designed to enhance your parenting behaviors, increase desired child behaviors, decrease unwanted child behaviors, and improve your parent-child relationship. Participating in consultation can lead to greater understanding of your parenting goals and your child’s behavior. This can increase relational harmony and lead to greater parent and child well-being.

You don’t have to do it alone.

In parenting consultation, parent(s) meet with both Dr. Flannery-Schroeder and Dr. Tucker in virtual consultation sessions. (In-home consultations are available on request.) Consultation sessions are 60 minutes in length. You can create positive changes in just one session.

Don’t delay. Your child is counting on you.

Schedule a virtual appointment with us.

Consultation is available only to clients located in Connecticut and Rhode Island during time of service.

Learn more about what we can do for you and your child.